Longing, Loneliness & Love

With Yael Shy
In partnership with Pardes North America

Join this 6-week course to harness heartache as a tool for spiritual transformation.
Thursdays, Oct 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17, [skip Nov 24], Dec 1, 2022
at 9:30am-10:30am PT / 12:30pm-1:30pm ET / 17:30-18:30 UK / 19:30-20:30 Israel
On Zoom

My soul yearns, yes, it longs for the courtyard of the One - Tehilim 84:3

We all feel lonely sometimes. We all have felt the heartache of longing for that which is not in our reach. What if instead of distracting ourselves from these painful and uncomfortable states of being, we saw them as portals to connection, expansiveness and love? 

This course will help you do so! By the end of the six weeks you will learn:

  • The physiology of longing and loneliness in the body and their relationship to love

  • The stories that longing and loneliness tells us, and how to tell if they are true

  • The desire and longing within loneliness and how to tap into these states as energy sources

  • How to work with loneliness both when you are alone, and when you are surrounded by people

    and much more.

Each class will include:

  • A teaching on an aspect of longing, loneliness and love, drawn from wisdom from the Jewish tradition, as well as other wisdom sources

  • A guided meditation related to that teaching

  • Time to debrief and discuss study questions with a partner/small group

  • Q&A with Yael

  • Practice guidance to support and sustain your meditation between class sessions

Meet Your Teacher

Yael Shy Photo by Laura Volpacchio

Yael Shy

Yael is the CEO/founder of Mindfulness Consulting. For the past fifteen years, she has been using the transformative power of mindfulness, rooted in 20+ years of study in Judaism and Zen Buddhism, to support herself and others through the pressures of life. She wrote the award-winning book, What Now? Meditation for Your Twenties and Beyond (Parallax, 2017) and teaches at NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service. She founded Mindful NYU, which is the largest campus-based meditation program in the country. Yael’s work has been featured on networks like Good Morning America, CBS News, and Fox 5 News, and in publications such as Time Magazine, Real Simple, and the Harvard Business Review. She lives in Stamford CT with her husband, Ben, and two sons, Zusha and Moses.

Choose your rate

At Or HaLev, we believe in the spirit of generosity as an essential part of practice. We also acknowledge that financial abilities differ for everyone and we strive to make this class accessible to those who wish to participate, regardless of ability to pay.

Please consider paying at the highest rate that you are able to. Your generosity will help in supporting Or HaLev's activities and in growing our community.



Covers the actual cost
of the course.


Enables a scholarship for those who cannot afford the course.


A subsidized rate
of the course.

If the scholarship rate is financially unfeasible for you, please write to carrie@orhalev.org and we will do our best to make the course accessible to you. 

“Yael is a master teacher!! The community was warm, welcoming and supportive.”
- Jessica K

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