Lech Lecha

How can we return to our inner home?

Reflection by Dafna Arnoni, Or HaLev teacher

"Lech Lecha. Go. 

Go to you.

Go to yourself.

Put down all the recognizing and the knowing

and surrender yourself to the primordial One

for one moment.

Return to yourself, to your home

the home of your soul. 

Take a breath and forget for one moment 

about the past that is breathing down your neck

or the future knocking at your door.

Rest the body here in its place.

Continue coming right back to here.

Go. Go. 

Go to yourself

Go to your God

to your home, the home of your soul.


And today, a day amidst many painful and terrible days

meets these words and asks to be returned home.

How true, how supportive, how resourcing it can be in these days to return to yourself.

Even for one moment, for a fraction of a second

you can remember that we have enormous power 

to support ourselves and to be supported.

Just for a moment, out of the storm and uncertainty, 

get back to breathing.

Notice your feet held up by the land that knows.

Look at the blue, autumnal sky.

Return to an inner home that is present and loving. 

In prayer for better days." 

Shabbat Shalom from Or HaLev



