How can our joy bloom from within?
Reflection by Ariel Yisraelah Hendelman, the Or HaLev Team:
"The Torah portion of Vayikra begins with YHVH calling out to Moshe from the ohel mo’ed, the tent of meeting. For many weeks prior, we have been carefully and methodically constructing the mishkan, the Divine sanctuary, where we could serve & connect to Source intimately. Now that the work of crafting is complete, Vayikra contains manydetails about how the Kohanim will make the various sacrificial offerings. The word levonah, לבונהor frankincense, is found many times in these descriptions, as a fragrant oil added to the meal offerings. This word shares a root with levanah, the moon.
Kabbalistically, the moon is associated with the energy of the feminine, receiving her light from the sun (the archetype of masculine energy). The moon waxes and wanes, and yet she also renews herself. As we journey through this month of Adar Bet, perhaps the moon can guide us in how to receive the light that we need right now to invite that joyous, topsy-turvy Purim illumination, and to remember that this is a joy that is not dependant on external circumstances, but rather blooms from within.
Vayikra shows us that there are offerings for almost any occasion. There is always a way to come closer to the Eternal. In our meditation practice, we are continually returning – to center, to the breath, to stillness. We can see all of the passing thoughts as containing the full spectrum of emotional states, and that each one holds an opportunity to become an offering to the Infinite.
Like the moon, we wax and wane. Like the moon, we have the power of renewal. May our meditation practice this month help us find renewal from inner joy, making an offering of every moment."