
How can we cultivate our inner heaven?

Reflection by Ariel Dominique Hendelman, from the Or HaLev team:

"The portion of Bechukotai is the final one in the book of Vayikra. It contains the warnings and admonitions regarding the consequences of disobeying God's word, or becoming disconnected from our Divine path, & conversely, the Heavenly blessings that will come if we stay connected & live value-driven lives.

Rabbi Shefa Gold, takes these concepts of `heaven & hell` & turns them mindfully inward. In her book, Torah Journeys, she writes, `It is an incredibly radical realization when we discover that it is the inner state of consciousness, and not our outer circumstance, that determines whether our lives are an expression of heaven or hell. The fear-driven ego says, 'If only I had these things...then everything would be okay.' The wisdom of my soul says, 'I will find heaven here regardless of circumstance.'`

Our meditation practice is one of patience, cultivation, & compassion. We find that the hell of the unsatisfied, scattered mind can be quieted over time with consistent practice. Studies have found that long-term mindfulness meditators have thicker cortex in parts of the brain that control attention & are thus able to tune into their bodies more easily, while also being able to be more wholehearted; more present in whatever they are doing. Fleeting thoughts & feelings can leave lasting traces in the neural structure. Whatever we stimulate in the brain tends to grow stronger over time. So why not cultivate a sense of inner enoughness in this moment, regardless of whatever we may still want or not have? Why not cultivate a sense of gratitude for all that is? Like the old folk song, `Today while the blossoms still cling to the vine.` Let's partake of that delicious fruit together. May our practice strengthen our presence and invigorate our present.”

Shabbat Shalom from Or HaLev



