
What happens when just before realization or fulfillment, we encounter restraints?

Reflection by Adam Treistman, Or HaLev Israel Community Manager

"The people of Israel stand at the door, almost entering, almost touching the promised land. They went through a long, shaky journey, a journey requiring daily examinations of faith, moral standards, gratitude and a poignant inner connection.  Before they reach the new level - coming to Israel, difficulties and restraints arise, both internal and external.

From the outside they are physically assaulted, with other nations trying to use magical curses on them, and as a last resort, the girls of Midyan are sent to the Israeli camp, in order to seduce the men and thus break their connection with G-d.  Many times, when we almost reach a new spiritual level, many restraints arise that can divert us from the path. One of them, and perhaps the main one, is lust - the desire for something that does not really belong to us.  

In our parsha, the people understand that not only must they reject the temptation of false promises, they must also take active action such as war, in order to remain within the range of the right and healthy options for them.

As part of our meditation practice,  when we encounter internal restraints or barriers, we have the opportunity for more active work, such as contemplating and exploring. When we go down to the root of diversion or lust, we not only are able to overcome the barriers, but also reveal the light behind them and gain the rewards, as happened in the parsha.”

Shabbat Shalom from Or HaLev



