Awakening the Divine
A Silent Jewish Meditation Retreat
by Or HaLev & The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies
May 20-25, 2025
Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center, CT
We live in challenging times full of uncertainty.
How do we continue to be our best selves in the midst of this challenge? How do we find a center of calm stability even in the midst of instability and confusion? How do we reconnect with our divine nature and our essential joy and love so that we can most effectively be agents of transformation for ourselves, our communities, our societies and the world?
Our tradition is, alas, no stranger to instability, upheaval and threat and so can provide us with deep resources for clarity, openness and vitality in times of challenge.
Centered on Jewish mindfulness meditation and incorporating prayer, silence, text study, yoga, and other modes of Jewish spiritual practice, this retreat will introduce participants to the profound depths of Jewish spirituality and offer the possibility of finding clarity and presence in an ever-changing world and life-transforming meaning in the Jewish tradition.
What makes this a “silent” retreat?
Most of the retreat will be spent in silence and meditation, including meditation instruction and questions and answers. There will also be daily teachings as well as text study and discussion, and additional spiritual practices that complement and support our meditation practice. Beginners and more advanced practitioners are welcome.
The Setting of the Retreat
The retreat will take place at Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center (the southern Berkshires of Northwest Connecticut). The food on the retreat will be under kosher supervision with vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free options.
Meet Your Teachers
Rabbi Dr. James Jacobson-Maisels
Rav James leads and directs the vision of Or HaLev. Ordained by Rav Daniel Landes, with a doctorate in Jewish Studies from the University of Chicago, he has been studying and teaching meditation and Jewish spirituality for over twenty five years. He was the founding Rosh Yeshiva of Romemu Yeshiva and has taught and innovated programs in Jewish thought, mysticism, spiritual practices and meditation at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, Haifa University, Yeshivat Hadar and in a variety of settings around the world. He strives to integrate his study with his practice, and to help teach and live Judaism as a spiritual discipline.
Rabbah Dr. Mira Neshama
Mira is a Paris-born scholar and teacher of Torah and Meditation. She earned a Ph.D. in Sociology of Religion at Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris (EHESS) and received Orthodox Smicha ordination from Rabbi Daniel Sperber for Beit Midrash Har’El in Jerusalem. Mira is a certified Jewish Educator (Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies), a certified Jewish Mindfulness Teacher with the Institute for Jewish Spirituality (IJS), a certified Vinyasa Yoga teacher (Sira Yoga RYT 200), and a certified Mindfulness Meditation Instructor (Mindfulness Training Institute). She is passionate about sharing the treasures of the Jewish wisdom tradition as a path of life.
Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Appell
Rabbi Jordan is a Senior Faculty Fellow at the Institute for Jewish Spirituality (IJS) and is part of the clergy team at Beth David Synagogue in Toronto. Jordan is a teacher of Jewish mindfulness and text and has spent years leading retreats and immersive experiences for adults in various settings through the IJS, National Ramah Commission and Orot. A former Director of Camp Ramah in Canada, Jordan directed IJS’s Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training and taught meditation to rabbis and cantors. Jordan is a recipient of the 2014 Covenant Foundation Pomegranate Prize. He and his wife Yael live in Toronto and are the proud and grateful parents of three.
Shira Abramowitz
Shira is a teacher, facilitator, and learning strategist. She is the founder of Summit Impact and co-founder of Up & Up Creative, where she designs programs that increase our capacity for complexity and compassion, honesty and action. Shira studied social neuroscience and adult learning in the Harvard Mind, Brain, and Education masters program and completed the Institute for Jewish Spirituality's mindfulness and meditation teacher training program. She currently teaches meditation on retreats, at conferences and gatherings, and through online courses.
Kohenet Shamirah (Sarah) Chandler
Kohenet Shamirah is a Brooklyn-based Jewish educator, artist, activist, healer, and poet. She teaches, writes, and consults on issues related to Kabbalistic dreamwork, earth-based spiritual practices, mindfulness, and farming. Sarah has a Certificate in Jewish Mindfulness from the institute for Jewish spirituality, is an advanced student of Kabbalistic dream work and imagery with Dr. Cathering Shainberg at The School of Images and studying advanced Hasidut with Dr. Eitan Fishbane. As the CEO of Shamir Collective, she coaches high-profile and emergent artists, musicians and authors to weave portals for the next stage of creativity.
How To Register for this Retreat
Each person must register for themself; if you are registering for two individuals, you will need to complete all forms for each person.
Registration for this retreat includes two steps:
Lodging & Payment form: Below where it says “choose your rate,” select housing type and submit payment via credit card or PayPal.
Intake form: After submitting payment, you will receive the intake form to complete. The intake form asks about past retreat experience, dietary needs, etc.
Your spot on the retreat will be confirmed once you have done both of those steps.
If you are applying for a scholarship/subsidy, use this link to submit your request. We will get back to you within 10 business days on the status of your request.
Attendance is limited to ensure a personal and intimate experience for all participants.
Registration closes on April 20, 2025, or when the retreat is full, whichever comes first.
Secure Your Spot, Choose Your Rate
We believe in the spirit of generosity as an essential part of practice. We also acknowledge that financial abilities differ for everyone. We strive to make this retreat accessible to those who wish to participate, regardless of ability to pay.
Please consider paying at the highest rate that you are able to. Your generosity enables this retreat to happen and helps support Or Halev's activities and grow our community.
We offer a variety of price points for onsite housing during our retreat. Click here to request a subsidized rate.
Commuter and camping options are under consideration; please follow up after February 15 to inquire.
Triple room with individual bathrooms on the hallway (no stalls)
Double room with en suite bathroom
Scholarships and Subsidies
To request a subsidized registration, please fill out this form with a brief explanation of why you’d like to join us on retreat and your financial needs, and we will do our best to make the retreat accessible to you. The form will ask if you are requesting 25% or 50% off the ‘triple room’ rate. Financial aid is limited and is awarded based on need as well as retreat experience.

“This practice is the foundation for all change and healing to occur within us and beyond us.”
- Awakening the Divine past participant
A Few More Things To Note
Covid Policy & Community Guidelines
When you fill out the intake form, you will be asked to sign our Covid policy as well as state you have read our community guidelines. As you make your decision to join us on retreat, please review it.
Cancellations and Substitutions
Your registration is non-transferable. Due to our agreement with renting the retreat center, we have a strict cancellation policy. While no one plans to cancel their registration, we understand that plans may change.
Here is how to cancel your registration and request a refund:
Refund requests must be submitted in writing to retreat@orhalev.org.
Before March 20, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. (ET).
Full Refund minus $75 processing fee. Please allow 15 business days for processing.
On or after March 20, 2025 at 5:01 p.m. (ET).
No refunds after this time. In the case of family illness or travel disruptions, if we are able to transfer your spot on the retreat to another person, we will consider a partial refund or credit for a future retreat on a case by case basis; these decisions will be made after June 5, 2025.
Arrival and Departure
Please review this document to plan your travel to Isabella Freedman. There are options for flights, public transportation, and carpooling. To ensure your spot on the group shuttle from the train or airport, make sure to sign up by Monday, May 5.
Retreat start and end times:
Tuesday, May 20:
You can arrive as early as 1:00 PM. Checkin will be from 2:30-4:30 PM.
All participants should arrive by 4:00 PM at the latest.
See this page for how to join our group shuttle from a nearby train station or airport.
Sunday, May 25:
Our program ends at 11:00 AM, with the option to pack a to-go lunch. You should plan to leave the retreat center by noon at the latest.
See this page for group shuttle times.
Open to all levels of practice
Loving pluralistic Jewish space
Green Peaceful Surroundings
Sample Schedule of a Typical Day
Wake up bells 05:45
Meditation 06:15
Shacharit / Morning Prayer Practice 06:45
Breakfast 08:00
Sitting with guidance & walking practice 09:00
Walk 09:45
Sit 10:00
Yoga or Walk 10:45
Sit + Small Group Meetings 12:00
Lunch 12:45
Talmud Torah (group Torah Study) 14:30
Sit – Blessing Practice 16:00
Walk / Minchah (afternoon prayers) 16:45
Sit + Q&A with faculty 17:10
Dinner 18:10
Meditation Talk 19:15
Evening Program 20:00
Return to Silence / Sit / Ma’ariv (evening prayers) 21:15
Bedtime 21:30
Our goal is to make retreat a safe and supportive environment for all who attend. Please click here to find out more.
If you would like to discuss your mental health with us, or have concerns about whether this retreat is appropriate for you, please email us at retreat@orhalev.org and we will put you in touch with the lead teacher of the retreat to discuss your concerns.
We Are Here
Any questions? Please email Retreat Manager
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