About Us Quote 3
“My experiences with Or HaLev have helped me develop a much better understanding of Judaism from a perspective I hadn't dived into before and I’m able to see communal Judaism work in such an effective way.”
- Rebecca B
“My experiences with Or HaLev have helped me develop a much better understanding of Judaism from a perspective I hadn't dived into before and I’m able to see communal Judaism work in such an effective way.” - Rebecca B
About Us Quote 2
“I feel most in my spirituality when I can practice Judaism at the level of depth that we do on retreat, when we are in a powerful place of stillness, open-heartedness, and presence.”
- Jonathan T
“I feel most in my spirituality when I can practice Judaism at the level of depth that we do on retreat, when we are in a powerful place of stillness, open-heartedness, and presence.” - Jonathan T
About Us Quote 1
“Or HaLev has helped me reconnect with the joy of my Jewishness!”
- Rachel R
“Or HaLev has helped me reconnect with the joy of my Jewishness!” - Rachel R