
What sea can we trust Hashem to open for us?

Reflection by Dafna Arnoni, OHL Teacher

"The children of Israel left Egypt, walking into the unknown, experiencing the divine miracle, led by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire at night. Pharaoh and his army pursued them, catching up at the shores of the Sea

They cried out to Hashem: 'What did you do to us, taking us out of Egypt?! It would have been better for us to still be slaves to Egypt than to die in the wilderness' (Ex. 14:10). They were afraid and did not believe it could be OK, did not believe they could actually have been set free. But Moshe reassured them, 'Do not be afraid. Stand by and witness the deliverance' (Ex. 14:13). Moshe raised his arms, and the Sea parted.  

When we step into freedom, when we come out of our straits, something big happens. It is possible to learn from this journey of the Israelites that even after the exit itself, from labor to freedom, the straits may return.  Pharoah can return to pursue us. Fear can arise. We may long for the familiarity of our oppression. 

This week, may we bring pillars of compassion and loving presence with us along our path. This anchor can support us in times of difficulty, in changes and transitions, and in our own emerging freedoms.”

Chag Sameach & Shabbat Shalom from Or HaLev


Acharei Mot


Shabbat Pesach